Event Management

Create unforgettable events, close deals. We manage the rest.

Event Kommunikation

Create unforgettable events, close deals. We manage the rest.

Engaging with clients and partners at events is an effective tactic to retain clients and generate new leads. But good event management is time and resource-intensive, often requiring know-how that is not
always readily available internally.

At LA Click, we’re specialized in setting up the optimal guest experience for your clients so you can focus on making the most of your event.
From the first touchpoint to the last, we create the optimal guest experience through structured project management, tailored event tools and technical expertise. Here’s how we do it:

Letter symbolizing an email being sent out illustration

Invitation Management

Enhance the user journey at every touch point from registration to follow-up.

Bullet Point

Design personalized cross-channel communications flows: reach your clients from the invitation to the post-event feedback survey.

Bullet Point

Registration workflows: automatically confirm registrations, obtain marketing consent in compliance with GDPR, boost event registration rates through reminders, and monitor guest lists.

Bullet Point

Create brand-compliant emails and landing pages that are responsive on multiple devices.

Guest list icon

Accreditation support

Provide a smooth experience to your clients with a fast guest accreditation process.

Bullet Point

Streamline guest management with a quick check-in system that scans guest credentials via a QR code.

Bullet Point

Reduce wait times for guests – our clients have seen a 50% decrease in wait times at their events.

Bullet Point

Track attendance and keep an overview of attendees to align with venue capacity.

Project management

Streamline project management with the right tools and expert knowledge.

Bullet Point

Customized project trackers and timelines help you keep an overview of the project.

Bullet Point

Ensure alignment across all stakeholders through milestone tracking, regular updates and data-driven insights.

Bullet Point

Analyze your event in quantitative and qualitative terms to assess your return on investment and opportunities for improvement.

Need a bit more information before taking the plunge?

Check out our case studies.